Who Are We?

Just a simple introduction will do. I am Teri, and my husband Mark decided a little over ten years ago that we wanted to retire with a bang. We talked about selling everything, buying a motorhome, and traveling the US. Sometimes, that's all you do is talk about it. We took it a step further; we did it. 

We were living in Colorado at the time; life was mundane; get up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep and repeat. Isn't that what we all do? We live to retire, we dream of retiring, but we never feel we have enough money to retire in our selfish culture. 

We kept telling ourselves. "Oh, I'll work just five more years; I need to keep saving for that retirement one day." 

We retired early, before the age of 60, for me anyway. Mark was exactly sixty. Both of us realized that we weren't getting any younger. After working as an RN for 26 years, I saw many things that helped me realize life can end suddenly.  Back in 2011, Mark was diagnosed with cancer, which allowed him to realize there is more to life than the "daily grind." 

So fast forward, March 2020, at the Pandemic peak, we headed out in our 41-foot motorhome for a life that was very new to us. 
Monaco Diplomat

By blogging our adventures, it allows us to document and look back years from now and remember what life was like when we started as novice "motorhomers" compared to what life is now after being on the road for a year. 

I also hope to light the spark in someone considering retiring early, traveling, and living full time in a motorhome. It is very doable, and we would love to show you how we got started and how we continue to make this our "home on wheels." 

Our motorhome dog


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